Telluride Update


Hello from Telluride!

On March 14, the governor of Colorado required all Colorado ski areas to close. Needless to say, it was a strange end to the season. Despite all the craziness in the world, we can always find resilience in our community and the beauty of our box canyon. Be sure to follow us on instagram where we are trying to keep people entertained with a bit of fun, nature and Telluride spirit. 

Stay safe and hope to see you soon!

Josh & Katja

The management arm of our business will be operational throughout the 'shelter in place'. Taking care of your home is an essential operation to the community, as is taking care of our employees. We have instated new health policies and will be coming up with a plan for 'deep cleaning' when the time is right.  


United Biomedical, Inc. is taking on the COVID-19 pandemic by partnering with San Miguel County, to be the first in the United States to test an entire county with their COVID-19 antibody test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A similar test was conducted in Vo, Italy, and the rate of infection was lowered by 90%. More info here.


The County is asking all second homeowners who are not already 'sheltered in place' here to remain at their primary residence. This is not to keep you out, but an effort to keep the population at a manageable number for our small medical community.


It is still yet to be seen how COVID-19 will affect the real estate market in Telluride. Properties continue to go under contract and interest rates remain incredibly low. Telluride remains a safe and resilient town away from it all. Consider investing in our community!