With over 25 years of combined experience, we go above and beyond when providing listing services to our clients. We take a different approach than most agents and get involved on multiple levels to ensure that you, as the Seller, get your home sold for top-dollar and in the time you desire.
We have a hands-on approach and provide 24/7 service so no potential Buyer slips through the cracks. We look forward to working with you and getting your property SOLD!
Nearly 100% of buyers start their property search online. We specialize in digital marketing to capture Buyer’s from around the world to SELL your property.
Real Estate Websites
Your listing will be featured on Zillow.com, the most popular real estate app, homesintelluride.com that currently has 2,000+ active users, and rapaportco.com.
Virtual Tour / Videos
To help interested parties fully understand the layout of the property from any device, we can create a virtual tour and use drone footage to help Buyers feel like they are here in Telluride.
Email Marketing
Your listing will be emailed to the entire Telluride Broker community as well as our exclusive database of over 2,000 contacts interested in Telluride area real estate.
Social Media
On a daily basis we connect with over 8,500 followers on social media. When we list your property our followers are there to see it, and through advertising we will connect your listing with thousands more potential buyers.
We hire only the most experienced photographers to capture your home and tell a story. We are highly involved in the process to make sure your home is staged perfectly for those memorable shots.
Our detailed print and digital marketing pieces are sure to catch a Buyer’s eye. Printed materials include a custom 2-page brochure as well as a property feature in our downtown Telluride office windows.